A Tip in Securing Your Yahoo! Account From Hackers

You can secure your email account by having a password change more often. It will reduce the chances of some third party messing around with your private info. A yahoo messenger’s password, if changed frequently will be able to protect you from mishaps, considering the same password is applicable to My Yahoo, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Mail and other personalized services.

Therefore, you need to change your password often if you use Yahoo Messenger. The rest will change accordingly so it is not a headache.

It is not a difficult thing to change the passwords on Yahoo Messenger. All you need to get started is to navigate to the Yahoo Messenger account or whichever Yahoo account you prefer and then log in with both your ID and your present password. From there you will be shown to your account.

A drop menu will appear prompting you to click your name. You will from there, have to choose “account info”. You will be promoted to key in your password one more time. That will take you to a page where you can find the change your password option.

Once you see the option where you can change your password, you will have to put your present password and follow it with the one you wish to have as your new password. Be careful not to key in the wrong password.

When you have finished, you can click save. A message should automatically appear informing you that you have managed to change the password. If it fails to work, you can anyway have the information keyed in again. Do it until you finally get the success message then click continue.

If you click continue you will end up at the account sign in preferences page. You can from then on use the new password that you just selected. You will see a page, which has all your account information. That is proof that the password changed.

With this done frequently, you are well advantaged when it comes to securing your Yahoo account info from jokers.